Web Development and Design: It's more than just a pretty site
Is your website effectively captivating your target audience? Your website acts as your online brochure, representing your brand and positioning your company for success. With just 3 seconds to capture the attention of new visitors on each page, it’s crucial to drive them towards action. Are they taking the next step? Are they learning more? Requesting a quote? Making a call? Take a critical look at your website and ensure it’s genuinely engaging and compelling to your audience.
When reviewing your site, you should ask the following questions:
- Is the site visually appealing to today’s internet user expectations?
- What is the site’s primary goal, and does each page support that goal?
- Does the site quickly convey the value the company provides and what the company does?
- Is the site intuitive to use; does it follow typical navigation?
- Can product and service information be found quickly?
If you answered no to any of these questions, it might be time for a website redevelopment project.
Web development projects — what to expect.
At Pump Marketing Solutions, we take a holistic approach to web development to ensure the site meets the needs of the company and its target audience. We work with you to understand the big picture and then devise a plan that meets expectations.
Not only will your site be customer-focused, but we also take the marketing side into consideration during planning. To reduce cost overruns and timely re-work cycles, we put all necessary SEO elements in place during the development phase. We also make sure that you have a detailed post-launch marketing plan, to set your site up for success.
The Process
Conduct internal interviews with the major customer-facing employees to gain an in-depth understanding of what the company stands for and what it does. This step often uncovers the need for better messaging and enhanced content.
We like to ask each interviewee about the current site; what works, what doesn’t, who they think the site serves, and what they consider must-haves on an updated site. We ask these questions because different customer-facing functions can have divergent views on what the website should convey and who it serves, and often their voices are not heard. Asking questions helps meet customer needs.
Develop an overall strategy and determine the primary goal of the website. A well-defined strategy helps keep the project focused and ensures each page is structured to meet the primary site objectives. Included in the strategy are suggested post-launch marketing initiatives to help achieve site goals.
Create a project plan that includes a development and post-launch budget, team members/resources, timelines, design elements, information architecture, user feedback, and post-launch marketing tactics.
Ready to get started?
Click the button below and send us a request or call 360-834-2780 to get started today. We look forward to working with you.
Final Word
Web development and design can make or break the profitability of your website. The site’s design should be user-tested to ensure you meet customers’ needs and expectations for use and information. Search engine optimization best practices should be applied during the development phase so the right elements are in place for prospects to find the site. Every web development project must begin with a strategy, well-defined goals and an executable plan complete with budget and assigned resources.