Web Marketing Process: Making your site findable and useable
We understand that in today’s digital landscape, being findable and usable are two fundamental concepts that contribute to a successful site. Our process is designed to help your industrial company achieve online visibility and maximize user experience. With our tailor-made strategies and comprehensive solutions, we will ensure your website stands out from the competition and attracts qualified leads. Let us partner with you and fuel your online growth.
- We learn your business and website goals to save money and optimize results.
- We discover how your site currently ranks to create a benchmark for improvement.
- We work with a few site users to understand their experience, determine how well your site meets their needs, and suggest improvements based on test results.
- Armed with discovery information, we work with you to develop a strategy and detailed plan that may include activities like SEO, search advertising, email and content marketing, as well as project timelines, action items, and resource allocation.
- We determine what works best for your business and budget. We can tackle the entire project, train you on SEO tactics, or share the workload.
- Once we have a plan, we help put the tools in place to measure success.
- We work with you to develop the key performance indicators (KPIs) that define success and guide continuous improvement.
- We track competitor search rankings against your company’s rankings to give you a competitive edge.